Many people go their whole ilfe without finding the ONE guitar that they just adore and play almost exclusively. I was lucky enough to find mine many years ago. Flash back to 1988 and I was 23 years old and playing in a Boston blues band called Driving Sideways. I had been playing an old Les Paul Special that was very nice, but I wanted a Strat badly! So, I ventured into E.U. Wurlitzer on Newbury Street, armed with a 1961 3/4 size Gibson Melody Maker and a pink Ibanez (don't ask), with a plan of trading straight up for a shiny new Fender Stratocaster ($569). Well, I was shocked and insulted, as the guy told me he could give me about $250 for both of them!! I left the store in a huff and I was depressed about not being able to get the Strat. Before I took the train home, I thought I'd try LaSalle music on Boylston Street because I knew their prices were better. Well, I walk in and they have the same guitars for $450 bucks! I stayed in the store for about two hours trying about 15 different Strats, in a variety of colors, with both maple and rosewood fingerboards, before I settled on my white 1988 Fender Stratocaster. This guitar just had somethin' special. The pickups were great sounding and not weak, the neck felt just right and as a bonus it reminded me of Hendrix at Woodstock! I decided on this one, didn't bother asking about a trade in and just paid the $450. I never set foot in E.U. Wurlitzer again! I've been through a lot with this guitar over the years and it always comes through. I've had it refretted twice now by Jim Mouradian (the man!) and its playing better than ever!
P.S. I bought another Strat (pewter with rosewood fingerboard) about a year later and eventually sold it. It just didn't have it!